creative prophesy?
So here I am, back on blogger. Yeah, I couldn't keep away.
For those who were wondering, the reason I closed it was in a late night discovery of a comment to one of my posts. This comment initiated that I had hurt somebody with one of my posts. That post is now deleted. If that person is reading this, please know that I am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.
So happenings of late. Just a lot of uni basically. We have a big prac coming up, where I have to implement a science plan to 5/6's. Eep!
Yesterday was a rough day. Wasn't well, so I spent the day with my 'church family'. I was blessed to get into primary care to get a doctors certificate.
I went to a bible study, to listen to Travis Ripley (on a CD). But then I fell asleep. So I slept on a bean bag while the rest of the ladies listened to the good old american preacher. I kept waking up and thinking "agh! Where am I? Whose that american??"Afterwards, when I finally woke up, 'Travis' had finished speaking, I just started drawing on a peice of scrap paper. I was thinking about Indonesia, so I drew some mountains and Volcano. I was asked if it was a 'prophetic picture' (of which I highly doubted).
But then, later that night, we were watching the TV when somebody pointed out (the TV was on mute) that there was a volcano errupting on tens news. I had a look and then noticed that the text at the bottom was in Indonesian. Four villages had been evacuated, it read.
Interesting, maybe it was prophetic.
This morning I found out that the volcanoe that errupted was Mt Soputan, which is on the island of Sulawesi: the same island I am going to at the end of the year... hmmm