trains, busses, taxi's, trams and a wedding!
This morning my alarm went off at 6:45. My alarm is pretty cool. It is Cara singing rise and shine, and give God the glory glory..
After snoozing the alarm for 5 minutes, I got up, had a shower, and got ready for a very long day. At about 8am I got in my car and drove my housemate and I down the station. We got on what was a very packed train. Once on the train this horrible feeling of Oh darnit I forgot my camera overcomes me. Dang!
The train only went as far as Sunbury, and after that I had to catch the bus the rest of the way to Southern Cross. Here started the organised chaos. There were well over 100 people trying to fit on busses, and people were running all over the place getting confused! Finally I got on a bus which went straight down the tollway and into spencer street. We made it in record time!
After briefly working out how to get to Doncaster, I waited for Turtle to get off her delayed train from Ballarat. It seems today is a good day for doing work on the train lines. After greeting her we took a sequence of trains and taxis and found ourselves out at Doncaster. Here we met with the wonderful Mel and Bray. Now the funny thing is, I have KNOWN Mel since about 2003, but I only just met her today! And man, it feels like I have known her for ages! I so wish that I could have met her so much sooner!
After lunch, we all went to the wedding together. The wedding was so incredibly beautiful. I was really struggling to fight back the tears. When I look at them I can't help but smile. I think I still couldnt stop smiling after I left Melbourne. In fact I'm still smiling! eeee!
The whole structure of the wedding was really different to anything I've seen before! And it was magnificent and so.. God honouring!
EEE I can't stop smiling! Guys, if you're reading this - :DAfter the wedding Mel, Turtle, Bray and I went and hung out down on the beach for a while. But before we went to the beach we were travelling down the Eastern Freeway when Turtle and Mel point out this bus that reads Organ's Coaches Kyneton. In true South Australian tradition I got what was so funny half an hour later.
Turtle was snapping a photo of this bus when the people actually saw her. The people in the bus began to wave at us, and we waved back. This was going on, along with us three girls in hysterical laughter, they began to make faces at us! Finally we made a sign that said "Jesus loves you", but alas they were turning the corner so we dont think they saw it. But that was ok, because then whoever was driving behind us would see that nice little message! :D
After spending a bit of time at the coast, I caught a tram into the city to catch the bus/train back to Sunbury/Bendigo. I arrived into Spencer St, or should I say "Southern Cross" half an hour before my bus headed back to Sunbury. So I went and bought some half price pizza from DFO - potato and rosemary. Interesting!
I sat at the bus depot and ate my pizza as the crowd for Sunbury increased. After finishing my pizza we were informed that there would be a delay of 5 minutes because one of the busses had broken down. People were really angry and were swearing and getting really angry at the staff. I kept myself calm by talking to random people, usually elderly people. 20 minutes later, the bus arrives, and there are people pushing to get on. It reminded me of the day I quit barracking for the Adelaide crows (long story). I suddenly became pushed between people and was getting squished because everybody was so angry and eager to get to Sunbury. As we left the bus depot, we saw a man waving his finger at the staff.
Somewhere between Melbourne and Sunbury I saw the Organs bus again. Very funny stuff!
We got into Sunbury and got I straight on the train. We sat there for a good half hour waiting for another bus to arrive. Finally, at the time we were supposed to arrive in Bendigo, we left Sunbury. As the train pulled out of the station, the whole carraige cheered.
When the conducter came out to collect our tickets, we learnt that we were waiting there for 10 minutes for an invisible bus - ie, it didn't exist!
Everybody was so angry. Perhaps I didn't care because I had all day. But the thing that annoys me the most is when people complain like this, when pathetic places such as South Australia don't have the luxary of a train that leaves every hour to the capital city! In fact, from Pinnaroo, you can't even go for a day trip in Adelaide using public transport.
And with that, dare I say it, I think I'm turning into a Melbourne girl (as opposed to Adelaide). I even think that I'm starting to loose the intentionalised habit of speaking with a toffi accent. I think I'm turning... dare I say it... VICTORIAN!
But all in all, I don't think I really cared about the 'hate' going on at the station. I was too busy smiling still :)
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