Thursday, February 01, 2007


(Sammy amuses herself further...)

*Meanwhile, back at the ranch (mission HQ), Cara and Sammy outside having a 'd 'n' m'.. Rach then walks outside*
Rach: "girls, dinner's ready!"
Sammy: "I'm not hungry"
Cara: "You told me before you were hungry!"
Sammy: "I meant in a biblical sense, you twat!"

Have you ever felt so hungry for God that you just want to eat him? Ok, enough of the silliness now. I'm serious, I have these days where all I want to do is know God more and more and it's just like, wow!

You can be hungry for many things, but in my honest opinion, and what I've come to know, is that knowing who God is, and knowing his character, comes from his word. It is a crucial link that I see is lost in so many scenarios today. The way to know God is to know His word. I encourage you - read it, it's tasty! Get into it, it has so much good stuff in it, and it's so so so so powerful!

(then what? Pray about what you've read, that's another crucial way of getting to know him too!)


Susan Barnes said...

Hey Sammy, it was good to meet you the other day.

I see you are really hungry for God's Word! If you would like to get into God's Word via an on-line Bible study, my church has a blog where we are studying James. If you would like to join in this is the link

Would love to see you there.

Achi Myachi said...

Hey Susan! That looks/sounds great! I am definately going to take a look at doing this. I think it is awesome to just get Gods word and just read it, and make out some things for yourself. the bible is THE self help book ;)

Achi Myachi said...

also, it was great to finally meet you too :)

Samantha Louise said...

Yeh! That's good. Hunger for God is what we NEED to have.

some background noise?