Thursday, October 04, 2007

one for all

I have uninentionally stumbled accross the following verse twice in 24 hours. One would get the feeling God is trying to say something.

Luke 12
54 Then He also said to the multitudes, “Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming’; and so it is. 55 And when you see the south wind blow, you say, ‘There will be hot weather’; and there is. 56 Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?
This got me thinking. Although there are people who are certainly 'gifted' discerners, it appears that Jesus has commanded everybody to be discerners to an extent. For each of us to use our brains!

It's just like the passage says. We're so quick to judge and work out what is going on in the world, the newest fashion, the breaking news, and it's impact, but we're not discerning what's going on in the church today or kingdom-wise at 'this time'.


bring back, bring back, bring back Georgie to me, TO ME!

A few weeks ago, I was watching my favorite TV show, All Saints (the old series). It was an intense episode of a bomb going off in the hospital.

The episode ended on a total cliff hanger at the end of the week.

What, NO! I can't wait until monday! And plus, I'm going to Pinnaroo! They don't get channel 7, or Prime!

But ever a clever thinker, I set the video player for every day the next week.

After having an All Saints-less week, I came home to Bendigo, to sit down and take some
time out with my friends Terri, Mitch and Von. I pressed play only to find no trace of All Saints! All I could find was some weird science show. Noooooooo! And according to the tv guide, it wasnt coming back any time soon!

After much sadness, I finally got over it. However today, talking with my friend Elizabeth, it turns out that All Saints was just taking a break over the school holidays. Of course!

However, on the flipside to that, I begin a 3 week placement next week, so I will not be home to watch it, but I am ever so happy to have a housemate with a video player!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

little outside delights

I have been for a 4.6 km powerwalk, had a creative breakfast, and am currently sitting in the back yard with listening to Life FM with my brand spanking new wireless internet!

I feel so. eee. happy! Content!

It's true, walking is good for the soul, and all of that vitamin D mustve done me good!

I could stay like this all day, but alas, MSTIE awaits!

some background noise?