Saturday, June 09, 2007

berita pagi

(That's Indonesian for 'the morning news')

I have been reminiscing about my trip to Indonesia in 2002. I went to see my high school Indonesian teacher on Friday. I've been going through all the things in my 'Indonesia-box'. Oh how I miss it!

Recently I applied to go to Indonesia for an intensive language experience in Sulawesi, Indonesia. I have not wanted something like this for a very long time.

I got an email today. I frantically clicked an email that had the subject line "congratulations". Along with nine other people from Bendigo, I have been selected to go to Sulawesi in December. You wouldn't believe how incredibly happy I am.

Now I need to frantically fund raise.

(The photo is the plane I boarded for a flight from Yogyakarta to Denpasar in 2002)

how bout that weather eh.

So I was sitting outside the Pinnaroo Post Office on a seat waiting for my Mum to pick me up the other day. I had just been to the op shop and brought $8 worth of goodies (I swear the best clothes I own are from there) - this includes 4 items of clothing - BARGAIN! Bendigo's op shops are so expensive!

Anyway, I'm innocently sitting there, and this random stranger says to me, "what are you warming up there?" .. It was utterly random and so I said back at him, "Are you kidding! This weather is tropical!"

He goes into the post office, comes back out and asks me, "So where are you from then?" And I said, "Bendigo."

"Oh," he says. "You guys are in a water crisis!"

Then he asked me where I was staying, and I was like, I used to live here, and told him who my mum was.

Then he says, "ahh.. you've inherited her hair!"

What the.. it was totally random!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

there's no place like home

It's funny, Bendigo's water really does have a lot of chemicals in it. I come out of the shower here in Pinnaroo not feeling as clean :P We have rainwater. Who knows what's in it.

When I'm in Bendigo, it's amazing when I see another SA car. In fact, usually it is the most exciting part of my day! (Welcome to the colourful world of Sammy!). It's funny when you're driving down the main street of Pinnaroo, and all the cars have SA number plates! Then I realise that this town also has many stobie poles - wake up toto, we're back in Kansas, well, South Australia.

I'm not missing Bendigo yet. I am really enjoying being home, in the middle of nowhere, away from Bendigo. I don't think I'm going to bother going to Adelaide.

I've been getting a few messages since I left home. I sometimes read them out. Last night I got one from Cara (and another from Mez) and Mum says to me, "You actually have quite a few friends in Bendigo." She's right. Believe it or not, I pretty much grew up with no friends in high school. I was an outcast. A christian, now that's no fun, is it? Beck used to call us two peas in a far out pod.

Talked to the lady who was my 'youth pastor' in Pinnaroo many years ago. She can really identify with a lot of the struggles I am going through at the moment, we are incredibly like-minded 'discerner's', I think that she has kind of brought me up with my mindset, and quite honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I've decided to sell heaps of old junk around the house on eBay - fund raising for Indonesia. I'm also scanning a whole heap of old photos. There may be a 'church camp' here on the weekend. I should be studying. The cat doesn't like me. I'm going to do another hair dye experiment.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Life in South Australia

I smell like duck poo!
Just thought I'd share a few photos of my time here in Pinnaroo so far... This blog post has taken so long to post because my mums computer is so s..l....o.....w..... But at the same time I am scanning photos from long ago - stay tuned!
Roses grow in South Australia! According to my Mum, Pinnaroo is one of the best climates for them..
My duck (Hi Spatch! I took these for you!)
My bewtiful doggy Basil
There's moss growing in our driveway!
Here's a fact for you: In South Australia most people don't use gas, and in our house EVERYTHING is electric! So that sucks when you live in the most unreliable town for electricity. It's not as fast as gas either, it takes ages to heat up the oven, stove and hot water!

And I couldn't not have a photo of the very famous Stobie Pole

Sunday, June 03, 2007

mushroom mushroom...

A mushroom is soft (character = soft.. compassionate).

Have you ever seen a mushroom that pushes up through cement?

I haven't, but I've heard it happens. I can't wait until I do.

Cement is hard like a brick, yet a mushroom can break through it, despite being soft.

It means that you don't have to be hard to be strong. Think about it.

some background noise?