Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Life in South Australia

I smell like duck poo!
Just thought I'd share a few photos of my time here in Pinnaroo so far... This blog post has taken so long to post because my mums computer is so s..l....o.....w..... But at the same time I am scanning photos from long ago - stay tuned!
Roses grow in South Australia! According to my Mum, Pinnaroo is one of the best climates for them..
My duck (Hi Spatch! I took these for you!)
My bewtiful doggy Basil
There's moss growing in our driveway!
Here's a fact for you: In South Australia most people don't use gas, and in our house EVERYTHING is electric! So that sucks when you live in the most unreliable town for electricity. It's not as fast as gas either, it takes ages to heat up the oven, stove and hot water!

And I couldn't not have a photo of the very famous Stobie Pole


Steff said...

Very... photographic.

Rachel said...

Oh oh oh! Cute! Your ducks are sooooo cute! They're my favourite breed of duck :) :D

Achi Myachi said...

Steff, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I have 11.

Spatch, its the same duck in all the photos. It's incredibly placid. It's a mix betweek kahki campbell and indian runner. It doesn't have a name. I asked mum this morning and she said she just calls it nit-wit. You'd love her. I have two other ducks too - its parents, but they dont like Nit Wit, so Nit Wit lives with Basil in his yard. I love ducks. When I get another place that's bigger I'm going to get some!

Christop said...

Everyone should have a duck.

some background noise?