Saturday, October 21, 2006

The hurting

I've been thinking about why people church-hop so much.

People go to one church, they get what they can from that church, until they've got there entertainment from that church, and move on to the next one. This happens over and over again. Church isnt about sitting back and watching, taking in, and getting spoon fed. I really, really believe that it is about relationship. Because God didnt put us on this earth to be alone, and made us to be not only in relationship with him, but also with others. And when people come to a church, and cant get a relationship, this can cause them to leave. I would rather go to a desolate old church with an organ, and have relationship with people, than go to a massive church with millions of people, have awesome 'annointed' worship, but nobody notice me.

2 Corinthians 9:13: Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

A lady I know used to have this 'gift', when she knew if someone was hurting, or in trouble, and she continuously would be getting these 'vibes' about this one girl in our youth group. I'm pretty sure she still does to this day. I dont know if this is a spiritual gift, or just something God stirs in your spirit. And how to fix things when you feel like someone is hurting? I believe it is prayer, understanding, compassion, love, and relationship. People think that just by praying for someone, it will fix things. Dont get me wrong, it can, and prayer is wonderful and works! But dont limit God in the ways he works. God can work through YOU! My main point here is relationship is important.

God may put someone on your heart that you just can't stop thinking about (realistically speaking, Im not talking about like being in love, more out of concern or something.) When our youth group in my home town had just been established, and the bunch of us were only month-old christiansour youth leader was explaining to us the above concept, of how sometimes thats how God wants us to pray for someone. One of the girls said that she had one of her friends on her mind constantly in the past week. So we prayed for that girl. The next day, on the front page of the newspaper was a report of a murder. The person murdered? That girls cousin.. See what I mean! A bit too freaky to be a coincidence?

The Dish

This morning I was procrastinating (as I am now) and watching TV, when an ad came on for New South Wales tourism. Now, I dont have much of a knowledge about New South Wales, in fact, my only travels usually get to about Moama. I realised today that there is a dream of mine that has not yet been fufilled.

What's that dream? I know that this may seem strange, but, I really really want to go to Parkes!

Why Parkes? Do you ask? Because I want to go and see the massive sattelite dish! Have you ever seen the movie, The Dish? Well, since it came out in 2001ish, I've always wanted to go there!

I was pondering a visit there this morning, and then realised that this dream was always a dream I had when I lived in South Australia, and I havent thought about it up until today in Victoria. And to that I realised that I am probably not that far away from Parkes anymore!!

I was wrong. It's probably about 8 hours away. Dang.

the 'twice a year' christian society

This is a rough translation of what we were translating in my Indonesian class on tuesday:

A: Good day, sir. Why on earth are you all dressed up like that?
B: You've forgotten? Indeed, it is friday! You must be going to the mosque. But hang on, you don't go to the mosque, or even to church, am I right?
A: It doesnt matter! It's important we believe in God. And its important we respect religion and the beliefs as other people.
B: What meaning is there in religion if you don't follow it! It's just as bad as being an unbeliever!
A: Yeah, but, you know, I'm not saying I'm a 'strict' follower of a religion. Gosh, praying five times a day [this is what muslims believe in] is too hard for me! After all, God doesnt care.. As long as I'm generous!
B: Far out! Why aren't you obediant to this? Aren't you afraid of hell?
A: Nah! My view on life is pretty different.
B: Good grief. [etc etc cant be bothered translating the rest]

People have that view in western culture too. If we're 'nice' and apply good moral behaviour, and stay out of prison we're going to all be okay. A lot of people call themselves christians, but are the 'twice a year' ones (on easter and christmas). Australia is known to be a christian nation. But there is so much more depth to christianity than meets the eye. Then there's some christians that 'write their own bible', which means they either manipulate or remove things from the word of God to justify their behaviour. Sadly enough, I have seen this done, in a church in this city. I used to go to a church where it was almost like it was just a 'nice thing to do' to go to church, and people were astonished that I'd be at a church without my family. Because my parents never went to church! It was really just good morale to go to church, but talking about relationship with God, or the holy spirit, was discouraged.

People are often given the misconception that Christianity can be a bit like Islam in the fact that there's rules and things you need to do to get to God, to 'earn' that place. Like that whole praying 5 times a day with Islam. People think that they have to 'have no fun' because they are a christian. But this is a lie, because Jesus died so that we could have life to the fullest. Now, this doesnt mean everything will be easy (another big misconception about christianity), but you have that secret weapon - God. There's no steps to being a christian. It's a yes to God, believing and confessing that Jesus is Lord. That said, by actually following the bible, would probably be most beneficial for your walk.

Have a look at these:

[Matthew 20:1-16]

[Luke 14:28-33]

Leaving unchanged

The pastor at my church said something this morning which really stood out to me. I can highly relate to him, and see it often in todays church society:

There are churches that are very traditional, if you speak you will be shown the door. 12pm comes, the service ends, people leave unchanged.

However on the other hand...

There are churches that are very 'new age'. Every week end there is shouting, falling down, speaking in tongues and what not. 12pm comes, the service ends, people leave unchanged.

Thats so very true.

Five Love Languages

Stolen from Dawn, I dont think its very accurate, though. I didn't know which ones to pick half the time...

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Quality Time
with a secondary love language being
Acts of Service.

Complete set of results

Quality Time:
Acts of Service:
Physical Touch:
Words of Affirmation:
Receiving Gifts:


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

All things retro!

I got a new blog!!! (yeah another one)

some background noise?