Saturday, October 21, 2006

the 'twice a year' christian society

This is a rough translation of what we were translating in my Indonesian class on tuesday:

A: Good day, sir. Why on earth are you all dressed up like that?
B: You've forgotten? Indeed, it is friday! You must be going to the mosque. But hang on, you don't go to the mosque, or even to church, am I right?
A: It doesnt matter! It's important we believe in God. And its important we respect religion and the beliefs as other people.
B: What meaning is there in religion if you don't follow it! It's just as bad as being an unbeliever!
A: Yeah, but, you know, I'm not saying I'm a 'strict' follower of a religion. Gosh, praying five times a day [this is what muslims believe in] is too hard for me! After all, God doesnt care.. As long as I'm generous!
B: Far out! Why aren't you obediant to this? Aren't you afraid of hell?
A: Nah! My view on life is pretty different.
B: Good grief. [etc etc cant be bothered translating the rest]

People have that view in western culture too. If we're 'nice' and apply good moral behaviour, and stay out of prison we're going to all be okay. A lot of people call themselves christians, but are the 'twice a year' ones (on easter and christmas). Australia is known to be a christian nation. But there is so much more depth to christianity than meets the eye. Then there's some christians that 'write their own bible', which means they either manipulate or remove things from the word of God to justify their behaviour. Sadly enough, I have seen this done, in a church in this city. I used to go to a church where it was almost like it was just a 'nice thing to do' to go to church, and people were astonished that I'd be at a church without my family. Because my parents never went to church! It was really just good morale to go to church, but talking about relationship with God, or the holy spirit, was discouraged.

People are often given the misconception that Christianity can be a bit like Islam in the fact that there's rules and things you need to do to get to God, to 'earn' that place. Like that whole praying 5 times a day with Islam. People think that they have to 'have no fun' because they are a christian. But this is a lie, because Jesus died so that we could have life to the fullest. Now, this doesnt mean everything will be easy (another big misconception about christianity), but you have that secret weapon - God. There's no steps to being a christian. It's a yes to God, believing and confessing that Jesus is Lord. That said, by actually following the bible, would probably be most beneficial for your walk.

Have a look at these:

[Matthew 20:1-16]

[Luke 14:28-33]

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