Monday, September 18, 2006

Who I am.. Who I am not...

Today I have seen a few things worth blogging about.

This morning, at church (short street), a couple spoke about their recent missions trip to china. It was really touching some of the stuff they did. I would love to go over. There were so many things in what they were talking about which reminded me of Indonesia.

It is funny how I longed to go over to Asia to do what they were doing. I still do long for it. But how important is it to me? I know that part of this is why Im here in Bendigo. There is the smidget of opportunity to go over to China next year with them.

I was pondering this today. If this was what God wanted me to do, how willing would I be to go over there? Would I risk the safety, the distance from Hamish, my friends, my money, or even would I risk a semester of uni, meaning not being able to graduate with my friends? What would I sacrifice for God?

At the moment, short street don't have sunday night services in the school holidays. Cara invited me around to her house, and then after we were going to go to the AOG.

I was kind of excited about going to the AOG, seeing things that I wouldnt normally see at Short Street. And dont get me wrong, it was an exciting experience. I dont mind the fact that Short Street doesnt make a habit of that kind of stuff, in fact, Im really happy that my mind isnt consumed by all of this every weekend.

The sermon was pretty good, he had some really good things to say. Unfortunately I didnt take notes.

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