Friday, May 11, 2007


Here's something I don't think you know about me: I went through high school wanting to be a nurse! You wouldn't think it, would you?

It has all been coming back to me since I've been watching reruns of All Saints on Prime. It used to be my favorite show, Libby Tanner was my idol, and Georgie Parker is an awesome actor.

Unfortunately, our local tv station (only station at the time apart from abc) was taken over from channel nine, and I didn't get to see any more of channel seven until I moved to Bendigo (which was quite a few years). We only got channel 10 half way through my year 12 (2004). Even still, I don't watch a lot of TV.

I dont think I would have made the best nurse, I hate hospitals. I become sick enough being around kids.

It was an interesting show today. There was a girl with a heart condition who died but they revived her. She came back and she was sitting there absolutely amazed, saying that she saw a bright light, and had met God. She claimed that God had told her everything was going to be all right, and that the rest of her life was going to be happy. She needed to be rushed to surgery to get better, but died on the way. Her husband couldn't understand. He thought she was going nuts, and especially now, since she said that God said the rest of her life would be happy. But clearly, sitting there in her bed with a big grin on her face, she was indeed happy she had just seen God.

The topic of God often comes up in this show, I don't know if it does any more, but I think that's because Terry (Parker) is a nun.

All Saints is still around, but I havent bothered to watch the episodes on it, because neither Bron (Tanner) or Terry is there any more. Maybe next tuesday night I'll tune in.

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